Maintain Your Radiant Glow
If you like the way your skin looks today, and want to keep that fresh, youthful look for years to come or you don’t have the time or desire for more invasive procedures like cosmetic surgery or aggressive resurfacing treatments, Clear + Brilliant may be the perfect choice for you. Clear + Brilliant is a safe, non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that improves skin tone and texture, giving your skin a radiant, youthful glow.
Clear + Brilliant was developed by Solta Medical – the pioneers of fractional laser treatments with the revolutionary Fraxel Dual. Like the Fraxel, Clear + Brilliant is a laser treatment that deals with acne scars, pigmented skin, sun damage and fine lines all while stimulating collagen production under the skin. Clear + Brilliant was not only designed to be effective, but to deliver unparalleled patient comfort and safety also. The system includes smart-tip technology and an advanced precision energy delivery system – ensuring consistent results with little or no social downtime.
Unlike Fraxel®, Clear + Brilliant requires no downtime. One 10 to 20-minute Clear + Brilliant session can leave your skin feeling smoother, younger and give you that “radiant glow” that comes from healthy, youthful skin. Routine treatments deliver lasting results that can keep you looking younger for years to come. It’s a perfect addition to your beauty routine, much like a facial or trip to the hair salon.
Apex Dermatology offers cosmetic credits for multiple packages if you prepay. Treatments are performed by our talented Cosmetic and Physician Assistants. Request your appointment online or call the office.
What To Expect
A Typical Clear + Brilliant Treatment requires about 30 minutes for a complete session. A skin care professional will apply a topical numbing cream to your face prior to treatment in order to provide additional comfort. During treatment, your provider will gently guide the Clear + Brilliant handpiece across the target area and actively treat your skin for approximately 15 minutes, utilizing the patented Intelligent Optical Tracking™ System (IOTS™) to ensure your skin care professional maintains proper contact with your skin and provides a uniform application to all treated areas.
As with all laser treatments, patients must stop using topical retinoids at least one week prior to treatment. If you are interested in Fraxel treatment of the face, neck, chest, arms, back of hands or other areas, please visit the doctor to make sure it is the right treatment for you.
Post Treatment
Immediately post treatment, you may experience some redness and mild swelling, but both typically diminish in about 12 hours.
Over the next few days, you may experience some itchiness or skin sensitivity (to touch or temperature). Both are indications of the natural renewal process and typically dissipate a few days after treatment.
Most typical skin care products and practices can be used immediately after treatment – your skin care professional will talk to you about any products to avoid following treatment.