Get acne under control once and for all:

FAQs about trusted, professional guidance and treatment

Acne is often at the top of the “services lists” on many dermatologists’ websites. And that’s not just because acne is at the start of the alphabet! Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. In fact, an estimated 85% of us will develop those characteristic pimples and breakouts at some point in our lives. And this condition affects more than teens. Adult-onset acne is a very real and upsetting condition.

Apex Dermatology of Westlake Village, California, provides effective treatment for many patients who either thought acne was behind them or felt that they got through their teen years “unscathed,” only to experience acne for the first time ever (or the first time in a long time) well into their adult years.

Why am I getting acne now?

If you are an adult and your adolescent years are well behind you, there are numerous potential contributors or triggers for acne. They range from hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause to the use of certain medications. Stress, certain foods, and haircare and skincare products can also make acne worse. It is important for us to evaluate the cause of your acne and potential solutions. That way, our providers can prescribe the most appropriate medications, products, and therapies to put breakouts behind you once and for all (and to also protect against painful reminders of previous breakouts – like acne scars).

How do treatments generally work?

Depending on the nature of your acne, treatments may reduce the bacteria and production of oils. Acne arises when the hair follicles become clogged up with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.

Can I take a pill for acne?

Possibly! Here again, we need to evaluate your acne. Depending on the nature and severity of your breakouts, our providers may prescribe medications, including oral antibiotics. Topical agents and specialized cleansers can also work wonders on your inflamed skin. Sometimes, these medications may be complemented by onsite therapies administered safely by our highly qualified providers.

What are some of those onsite therapies?

At Apex Dermatology, we are thrilled with AviClear® as a game-changing acne treatment. This FDA-cleared laser targets the oil glands and reduces and controls acne, resulting in shorter, less severe, and less frequent breakouts. Additional in-house therapies include the application of Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy (BLU-U®) to kill acne-causing bacteria instead of antibiotics or topicals. Facials and HydraFacial services also help accelerate acne clearance to maintain a fresh face.  A combination of high-grade skin care potentially with medicinal acne treatments may be recommended in your visit.

Why trust acne treatment to Apex Dermatology?

There are many myths and misconceptions associated with this common condition. Due to the considerable expertise of our Board-certified dermatologists and professional team, you can trust that our guidance and treatment recommendations are sound. Achieve clearance once and for all. Schedule a consultation at our Westlake Village, CA office today by calling 818-889-2739.