Fighting dullness, dryness, and more with the power of light!
FAQs about laser skin resurfacing
Skin cells are constantly forming in the bottom-most part of the skin’s outer layer or epidermis. They start off as fat, square-shaped cells. And, as they work their way up to the skin’s surface, they flatten out and eventually slough off. This 30-day process of cell turnover is vital to the health and appearance of our skin; however, as we age, the natural cycle slows down. In fact, after age 50, the skin cells may only “turn over” every 45 to 90 days! Laser resurfacing at Apex Dermatology of Westlake Village, California, can jumpstart this process to reveal and restore your healthiest, most naturally beautiful or handsome, and radiant skin.
What are some signs that I could use resurfacing?
“Sluggish” cell turnover may result in dry, leathery, and “thirsty” skin. It may no longer look as fresh and radiant as it once did. That’s because the damaged and old skin cells build up on the skin. By encouraging fresh, new, unblemished skin cells, resurfacing promotes softness and a smooth and youthful complexion. Resurfacing in its many forms may also be recommended to soften fine lines and wrinkles, fade acne or surgical scars, minimize the appearance of visible pores, tighten skin, and improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation (such as “age spots” and melasma).
How does laser resurfacing differ from other methods?
Our practice provides complete aesthetic and medical dermatology care. So, we do offer resurfacing via cosmetic peels and dermabrasion, too. While these methods generally have the same aims (to remove dead skin cells and encourage fresh ones), how they go about it differs tremendously. Instead of specialized chemical formulations or mechanized tools/instruments, laser resurfacing generates energy to encourage cell turnover deep in the skin. There are many different types of lasers available at our office. Each system carries different benefits and considerations associated with “maintenance,” downtime, and healing. All of these systems are unified in their ability to treat a versatile range of skin concerns without surgery.
How do you apply the laser?
For utmost comfort, our qualified providers first apply a numbing cream when needed. For some laser treatments, specialized cold air (Zimmer) is used, and we can even offer Pronox, which is a safe, relaxing breathing agent sometimes called “laughing gas” that provides extra comfort. Then, you will feel quite comforted as the laser is directed toward the treatment site(s), except for a potentially fleeting sensation of warmth and tingling. Treatment can be completed in specific treatment visits of varying lengths. Laser-assisted resurfacing targets the surface of the skin and the deeper layers where collagen production may be stimulated to firm up and otherwise rejuvenate your skin.
Do I need to take time off work?
Downtime can vary considerably based on the type of laser that we recommend. Some laser treatments we offer have no downtime. These are mostly lasers for pigment balancing or gentle collagen building. Generally, though, common side effects of laser resurfacing are limited to treatment site redness and peeling. With some stronger treatments, there may be swelling. Keep in mind that some “lunchtime lasers” may be associated with minimal side effects and downtime, but they also require more treatment sessions to get desirable results.
Our team in Westlake Village, CA, provides the high-end care you would expect from cosmetic epicenters like Beverly Hills, and we look forward to introducing you to specific lasers and other therapies most appropriate for your needs, goals, and characteristics (like skin type). Call Apex Dermatology at 818-889-2739 to schedule your consultation today.