Shedding light on your healthiest, clearest skin:

FAQs about innovative AviClear® laser treatment for acne

Few conditions are as traumatic as acne. We empathize with our many patients who are grappling with this common, sometimes emotionally scarring, and commonly physically scarring condition. Moreover, our team at Apex Dermatology in Westlake Village, California, finds it incredibly rewarding to help patients rediscover their comfortable, clear, confidence-boosting skin again. We do so with an array of treatment options, including the innovative AviClear® laser system.

Why do I have so many acne breakouts?

There is no single “source” of acne. Commonly, genetics, excess oil production, clogged hair follicles, inflammation, bacteria, and hormonal fluctuations are to blame. We may also identify certain “triggers” which tend to cause acne to flare up. These could range from specific foods, stressors, heat and medications to certain hair and skin care products.

How can you reduce my breakouts?

The AviClear® system is among those therapies that get to the root of your acne: the sebaceous or oil glands. By targeting and down-regulating these oil glands, the AviClear® laser reduces and controls acne. Patients generally experience shorter, less intense, and less frequent breakouts after treatment. Additionally, acne clearance has been shown to get better over time. So, it is considered to be a long-lasting treatment alternative.

What can I expect from treatment?

If AviClear® is determined to be the right “next step,” the laser is directed toward the targeted sites. It features built-in cooling and other controls to support a comfortable experience. Most patients only feel a slight snapping sensation against the skin. This is tolerated well without the use of special anesthetic or pain medications. If a person is especially sensitive or nervous, they can choose to add the very safe and quickly temporary breathing treatment Pronox to deliver a calming effect during the treatments.

What can I expect afterward?

For starters, your skin will produce less oil. This helps your acne to improve and to stay that way, as we are helping to manage a major risk factor and contributor for pimples, spots, and cysts. The makers of AviClear® report that 92% of those treated with this innovative laser experienced at least half of their acne resolving within 12 months following treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

Every patient is different. But, generally, all it takes to achieve lasting improvement is three 30-minute sessions spaced four to six weeks apart. Acne continues to improve for 6 months after completion of the treatment series. Additional treatments may be done if a patient wishes or seems to need it but the vast majority find a series of 3 is what it takes. Clearance was also achieved without significant side effects. People stay on their topical or systemic treatments while having AviClear in order to reduce the chance of between treatment flares or “purging”.

Why should I choose Apex Dermatology to treat my acne?

Not all acne is the same. It takes on many different forms and can differ significantly in severity. You may also notice that some breakouts are far worse than others. Likewise, there are numerous potential treatment options, which may be tailored to factors like the type and severity of your acne. We have numerous onsite capabilities and potential services for you to choose from at our Westlake Village, CA office. Sometimes, to achieve clearance, it takes a combination of therapies – from medications to lifestyle modifications. So, all treatments start with an evaluation.

Call 818-889-2739 to start the journey to getting the healthy, clear skin that you deserve today.