Moles do not have to be a concern!

FAQs about treating these common growths to support aesthetics and health

Moles can be a cosmetic concern, but they can also be much more than that. In fact, certain individuals with many moles may be at increased risk of developing serious skin conditions such as atypical nevi or concern for melanoma. Fortunately, the team at Apex Dermatology in Westlake Village, California, has refined a special interest in and developed expertise in mole removal and surgical excision. So, you can trust that we will stay on top of any changes to your moles and also provide the best care for these common growths, regardless of whether they are benign and harmless or may be indicative of something much more nefarious.

How do moles form?

These growths or lesions arise when the skin cells that produce melanin or pigment cluster together. Most of us will have at least some moles, which may be as old as we age. While moles can fade with the passage of time, they can also grow darker and larger due to hormonal fluctuations brought on by the likes of puberty and pregnancy. Many of the same protective measures, such as a good sunscreen, can help to minimize the risk of future moles.

Are moles dangerous?

Most moles are not a cause for concern beyond the aesthetics of the appearance of your skin. However, moles can become cancerous, and certain cancers, such as melanoma, do share many of the same properties or characteristics as moles. This notion underscores the importance of regular and proactive professional skin checks at our office. It is so essential for our providers to rule out any complications associated with moles and other potential sources of your dark, textured, and otherwise anomalous growths.

Are there any signs I should watch for?

Yes. Any changes to your mole or other growths should be noted. Please make a sooner appointment for a mole-check or spot-check if you notice any “ugly ducklings” on your skin, for instance, a mole that is multi-colored or appears larger than any other moles or darker than other dark spots or is growing rapidly. These concerning moles may also be oddly/irregularly shaped and bordered and may suddenly itch or bleed.

I want my mole gone. How can you help?

First, any treatment starts with a consultation and evaluation of your moles. Depending on what we find, a biopsy or sample of the tissue may be taken for further investigation. The process of surgical excision is generally straightforward and involves lifting the growth from numbed skin using special instruments after the skin is numbed. Our specialists are trained in gold-standard and precision surgical techniques. So, you can rest assured that your mole will be removed safely, with great care to minimize complications such as scarring.

We will not know the best way forward until after our team at Apex Dermatology takes a look at your skin. Give our Westlake Village, CA office a call today at 818-889-2739 to request your appointment.